Healthy Eating Goes Mainstream

The benefits of healthy eating is finally going mainstream, and the medical community is beginning to take a closer look at the possibility that food is the best medicine.

This momentum of interest to make healthier choices and eating whole foods is taking place in our society now and what an exciting shift it is!

Recently, I was checking out at the local drugstore and a Special Edition by TIME caught my eye. The title is Alternative Medicine – The New Mainstream and it reports about Natural Healing, Achieving Balance, and Food Cures with the following quote under Food Cures:

“There may be no better-known adage than the cautionary advice ‘You are what you eat.’ What researchers are newly discovering, however, is just how true and valuable that insight really is.”

I’ve waited decades to see this shift, and lo and behold, there it was!

Obviously, I glanced through it and knew right away that I wanted to purchase it. At first I thought it was a little pricey, at $14.99 in the United States, but quickly appreciated it with 95 pages of real value. That’s a small price to pay for the most encouraging health news I’ve seen from mainstream media in quite some time. Plus, when it comes to your health, it’s definitely worth the investment if valuable information is waiting for you between the pages.

Now I have to admit that I’ve been in the alternative healing arena for decades… mainly because it was highly beneficial. In fact, it helped me so much, that I immersed myself into learning more and more. Back in the pre-world wide web days, this meant going to the library, a bookstore or health food store to gather information.

YES, it was a long time ago! Now you can just imagine my excitement in finding the TIME Special Edition which is all about what I research on a regular basis.

With great excitement, I discovered mainstream media validating the value of healthy eating as I’ve never seen before.

First of all, kudos to Alice Park. Her article is jam packed with health news that I’m certain will make a significant difference in the lives of many people.

In her article, she writes about a new program that was launched in 2017 by Geisinger Health System at one of their community hospitals. The Fresh Food Farmacy provides fruits, vegetables, lean meats and low-sodium options to patients in Pennsylvania. They don’t stop there… they teach patients how to incorporate these foods into their daily lifestyle.

There is a great wealth of information in her article, and I highly recommend the TIME Special Edition – Alternative Medicine. On page 80, you will see an article titled “Just What The Doctor Ordered – The medical community is starting to consider the possibility that food is the best medicine” by Alice Park.

Healthy eating is a choice. Make it yours and share it with your children.

For many years, I’ve visualized our school systems with a healthy eating program similar to the Geisinger Health System. What a blessing it would be for the health of all children to grow up learning about the value of proper nutrition. Our children are the future leaders of the world, and they deserve to have the best nutrition and health information available.

Kudos to Geisinger Health System for the impact they have made in the lives of many people in Pennsylvania and for their innovative thinking.

“When you prioritize food and teach people how to prepare healthy meals, lo and behold, it can end up being more impactful than medications themselves,” says Jaewon Ryu, the president and CEO of Geisinger. “That’s a big win.”

~ Jaewon RyuIt’s

It’ never to soon to start learning about healthy eating, and it’s never too late to begin!

Until next time, be fit and healthy,

Thank You and Join Me

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